Sunday, January 20, 2013

Helpful Lego Tips 1#: Cleaning Pieces

Here is my first installment in my possible new series Helpful Lego Tips. Since everyone hates cleaning dust off bricks, here is a helpful tip on how to clean dust of Lego bricks, plates sets, and more!
1. Select a pipe cleaner (chenille pipe) (preferably thicker).
2. Pick a brick or set (really any Lego piece with studs).
Piece from 7741 Police Headquarters (sections with no dust is where pieces were)
3. Take the pipe cleaner and run it in between the studs until satisfied.

This works surprisingly well and doesn't require much force to pick up dust (making it helpful for smaller, more delicate sets). Hope this helps for anyone looking for information on this subject. This is the Lego Spy, out. 
(click to view larger)

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